Tips From Your Driving School For Driving In The Rain At Night
Driving is a job of sheer responsibility. Zero compromises with your safety are allowed here. If you’re a trained driver, your driving school increases your confidence with valuable tips. Some of those major tips are how to drive in the rain. When you’re getting admission to a driving school in Cranbourne and other regions, these tips come as additional assistance. Driving at night in the rain becomes a difficult job. If you’re first time driving in such a situation, naturally, you won’t have many ideas. Therefore, your driving school prepares you with the necessary tips.
Make Things Visible
The major problem of driving in the rain is visibility. This is why we always need to keep the front and rear windshield clean at all times. Wipers help in a big way to keep things clear and safe while the AC helps in circulating fresh air and stops the windows from fogging up. The better for vision, the better you will be able to drive.
Keep Your Shoes Dry
We have all experienced wet shoes on a metal surface and how friction becomes a distant dream. Similarly, you’re probably going to enter your car with shoes during the monsoons. Using these shoes to control the accelerator, clutch, and brake could be a daunting task. This is where a good-quality rubber mat comes in and can help you quickly dry off your shoes so you can drive safely.
Drive Slow
Speeding is a very major reason behind the mishaps with automobiles. In the rain, this danger only intensifies. When driving in the rain, the best thing you can do is take it slow. Hydroplaning is the phenomenon wherein a thin film of water forms between the car tires and the road. Your driving school in Burwood East says that this is why your vehicle skids and ultimately causes the driver to lose control. Hydroplaning occurs when the vehicle is moving too fast and the tires don’t have enough time to get a proper grip on the road. The risk of hydroplaning is reduced when you drive slowly. Controlling becomes easier at a slow pace.
Try To Stay In The Middle
Roads are thoughtfully designed with drains on the sides so that excess build-up of rain or water can be quickly removed. If the drains are clogged and not functioning properly, the problem increases. A huge amount of water gathers on the sides of the road rather than the middle. So, if you want to stay safer during the monsoon, you should choose to drive somewhere near the center of the road. When you decide to drive on the sides, you not only take the rush of driving info large potholes and flooding the engine, but other cars could quite easily splash water onto your car and windshield making it very difficult to see what’s ahead of you.
Keep A Safe Distance
If you take a good and place it on a wet surface, you’ll see that it moves on its own. Give the glass a slight push and it’ll easily slide across the surface. So the same experiment on a dry surface and the results will be completely different. Similarly, when driving on a dry road, the ideal distance that should be kept between your vehicle in front of yours is called the “2-seconds gap”.
So, this is how the driving school in Springvale guides you about the rule of driving at night in the rain. Follow them thoroughly and acquire flawless driving skills.
Author’s Bio
The author works with a driving school in Cranbourne and writes engaging blogs about the driving school in Burwood East.